
Within you is a unique “money code”. Once you discover what YOUR Money personality is, it will feel as if all the puzzle pieces of your life easily fall into place:

  • You understand what makes you tick when it comes to money (freeing you from negative self –judgment)
  • You discover what your core money strengths are (and how to use them to make more money in your business or career)
  • You’re free to make decisions from a place of empowerment, not fear (the freeing quality of relief that you’ll feel will immediately open new opportunities for you)
  • You no longer fall prey to unconscious sabotaging behavior (it’s a blessing to be in control of your life in this way, authentically and easily)
  • You know what to do and what to say when someone you care about is “pushing your money boundaries”
  • You feel confident and ready to make new decisions about your business (or career) that will take your income to a new level
  • Those stressful squabbles with your loved ones about money? Gone, because now you have the understanding and tools to come from your highest, best self

 As a result of knowing your money personality….

  • You can make decisions easier. You can be more positive. You can feel a surge in your self-worth. And you can see an increase in your income or salary.
  • You’ll know how to have open-hearted and productive money conversations.
  • You can have more money for the people, experiences and goodies you want in your life.
  • You can have more to give because you’ll know what to say yes to, and what to say no to.
  • You can feel empowered to make new choices that make you happier.

Learning about your money personality is a dynamic and exciting way to become aware of your underlying patterns and behaviors around money.

Take the Quiz here

In the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), we learn that humans possess various parts or aspects within themselves. Each part represents a different aspect of our personality, attitudes, and behaviors.

This understanding helps us recognize that we have the capabilities to bring forward these different parts when needed. However, we also have habits and attitudes that can hinder our financial growth and success.

To become better at managing our finances, it is crucial to examine the attitudes, tendencies, and habits that may be preventing us from flourishing financially. By identifying and understanding these challenges associated with our personality, we can develop effective strategies to mitigate them.

Simply taking a money personality assessment is not enough; it is essential to take the knowledge gained and implement it in practical ways. Awareness of our financial tendencies is valuable, but it is through action that we can truly transform our financial lives. Without taking action, the purpose of awareness is lost.

It is essential to go beyond awareness and take action. By implementing strategies that align with our financial goals and addressing any challenges associated with our personality, we can create positive change and improve our financial situation.

My Money Personality program is offered as a full day workshop, 1:1 VIP Intensive and 1:2 for Partners

In the field of Money Personalities, I am trained as a Sacred Money Archetypes (SMA) Certified Coach, as well as being a Law of Attraction Wealth Practitioner (Joe Vitale).  I also use Moneymax & Money Habitudes profiling assessments when required. I am a NLP Practitioner, Ho’Oponopono Practitioner and qualified Transformational Life Coach.  I bring all the tools to the table with my clients to create money management & wealth attraction strategies that are unique to them that create action and results to help them flourish.

Contact me for more information.