
Practicing Mindful Money reflections helps you to explore your mental landscape, emotional triggers and present moment awareness around money.

We practise mindfulness around money so we can calm our mind and this allows us to see more clearly.

As a wellness professional, you’ll be aware of the benefits of calming your nervous system to function optimally.

What you might need guidance on are prompts/lines of enquiry to help you focus your reflections on money mindset & money personality work.

There’s a saying that your day begins the night before.  I use this mantra to unwind the day and I use my journal to put any money reflections or issues that I am facing so that they are outside my body.

As you know, our bodies carry everything and toxicity can become trapped into our body unless we find a way to alchemize and extract it.

Journaling, massage, yoga & meditation are all ways which help me.  You are likely to be a practitioner in these modalities.  Yet sometimes we spend so much time focussing on our clients’ wellbeing, we forget to tend to ourself.  Setting a positive money intention within your practice to cultivate a loving and kind relationship to your money will be transformational.

I’m here to be your guide.  Soon, I’ll be adding a sample for you to see if my membership is a fit for you.  If you are a bookkeeping client, then you are automatically invited into the portal.  However, if you are not based in the UK or wish to only join the membership, then you are very welcome to join for a monthly fee of £29.  This includes access to the guided meditations.